Easy Resume Creator Pro 4.12
Easy Resume Creator Pro will help you create a resume and cover letters that match your current career level, background and career objectives, and deliver those to multitudes of employers seeking just the qualifications you possess.
- Resume creation wizard – guides you step-by-step through the process of creating an individual resume, which reflects your career level, experience and other individual information.
- Letter creation wizard – guides you step-by-step through the process if creating an individual cover letter, offer acceptance or rejection letter, and thank you letter.
- Job Crawler – powerful tool for searching available jobs throughout dozens of online employment databases. Simply select your career field and desired keywords and hit search.
- Contact organizer – manages your prospective employers` contact information, your to-do list and personal calendar.
- Resources – miscellaneous career-related resources, which include federal employment forms and information, job boards and other useful links.
Resume and Cover Letter Builder
Step-by-step guides to creating individual resumes and cover letters that reflect your career level and experience. Get guidelines and suggestions from this professional resume maker software about creating resumes of the following types: chronological, functional, combined, or targeted.
Professional Templates and Samples
A great collection of templates, sample cover letters, and other career-related letters for your job search correspondence.
The samples show the powerful flexibility in the formats, layouts, and designs available with Easy Resume Creator Pro. Do not limit yourself to the ideas in these samples. Rather, use them as a guide to writing resumes that show you at your best!
List of Action Words
A list of action words that guide you in listing your accomplishments and skills on your resume. Use action words to describe your accomplishments, the positive results you have achieved, and how effectively you handle different situations.
Spell Checker
High-speed spellchecking for resume sections and cover letter editor with auto-correction of common mistakes. Add your own corrections to the auto-correction feature as you type.
Quickly choose correction for the underlined misspelled words with only two mouse click.
Publishing resume
Integrated publishing wizard. This wizard provides an excellent solution for Web publishers or anyone who transmits their resumes over the Internet.
Instant Search and Application
Tools that make job hunting easy. Easy Resume Creator Pro searches for available job openings throughout numerous job boards. Search by a keyword, location, career field and other criterions, and instantly save the results of your searches using the built-in Contact Organizer and E-Mail Client.
Integration with Microsoft Office
Features for the most popular word processor formats. Easy Resume Creator Pro builds resumes in the Microsoft Word, HTML, and ASCII. The software even saves resumes in HR-XML, the special recruitment and employment oriented format.
One Click Actions
Easy-to-use features! Most of the actions within Easy Resume Creator Pro require only one mouse click. Step-by-step wizards guide you throughout the program.
Miscellaneous career-related resources, which include federal employment forms and information, job boards and other useful links.
Easy Resume Creator Pro lets you create resumes in the following formats: MS Word, HTML, ASCII and HR-XML, and deliver those to the prospective employer via mail, along with the cover letters.
Easy Resume Creator Pro`s Job Search is a tool for searching employment offers posted on different Job Boards. Start with the major jobs databases to see if they have positions that meet your interests. You`ll be able to search by keyword, location, career field and other criteria. The trial version of the program carries the following search modules only: Dice, Monster, Monster Canada, and Spherion. Upon registration, you can unlock the rest of the modules (HotJobs, Google, TrueCareer, NetTemps, etc.) available from the program directly.
Size - 15 mb

Professional Resumes That Get Results!
• Easy, STEP-BY-STEP Wizards
• Examples for 13,000+ Careers
• 150,000 Recommended Phrases
• IMPORT Your Existing Resume
• 1,000 Professional Resumes & Letters
• Search 5 MILLION Job Openings
• Search 20 MILLION Companies
• Distribute at TOP 90+ Career Sites
• Salary & Negotiation Tips for 2,500 Careers
• JOB AGENTS! Get Jobs by E-mail
• 500+ Virtual Interview Answers
• Contact Manager with MAIL MERGE
• FREE! Professional FONTS Inside
• Publish a WEB RESUME
• Create a PDF Resume & Burn your Portfolio to CD/DVD[/info]
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